Monday, September 12, 2022

Oh Wow! Victoria Falls, one of the seven natural wonders of the world! WITH PHOTOS!

Monday, September 12, 2022

This will be really brief because we have to be on the bus in the morning by 6:30!  I'll flesh it out later, I hope!  And add a ton of photos.

Breakfast at our hotel, bags to the bus by 7:45, and away to the airport at 8:00!  We are flying to Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe today.  We spend an incredible amount of time waiting to board the plane but finally take off about an hour late.  There is a lunch consisting of an chicken wrap which was better than I expected, and soon we are deplaning.

These sloppy nests are almost always on the west side of the trees, so you can
use them to tell your directions if you are lost!

Sisa had us fill out our visa applications late night so he can collect all our passports and the apps and whisk us through immigration.  Well, that was the theory.  We wait quite a while for the agent to laboriously copy all Sisa's work by hand;  but finally he appears and we put our luggage through the scanner and head for our van.

We are whisked away to our new home for the next two days and it's pretty darn cool.  We have about an hour to rest a bit and change clothes before we head to today's main attraction (Actually it would be any day's main attraction!) Victoria Falls.  It was "discovered" by Stanley Livingstone when the native peoples showed it to him, and he named it for England's reigning monarch.

Sisa explains the geology of the falls with the basalt being split by a fault line that runs all the way from Jordan to Cape Town, dividing the continent in two!  He will lead us, going the opposite way from the way most people go.  He's done this tour 2,500 times and knows how to do it!  He also tells us that the rainy season doesn't start for a couple of months, so the falls aren't at full capacity.  We don't know if we're going to be disappointed;  but no one says a word!  

At first sight we dutifully take our photos and appreciate what we're seeing but we're not really wowed. Ah, but the man is a showman. and the further we go, the more magnificent the views become.  Plus, since our flight delayed our plans, we are at the falls for golden hour!  And there's a rainbow!  Life is good!!

Just one to whet your appetite!

Puzzle Pic - See the elephant?

I'll have to ask Sisa again;  I forgot!!

We close the place down!  And go back to our hotel to freshen up for dinner.  We're to wear "safari casual!" Sisa is taking us to the coolest restaurant in Victoria Falls, which happens to be where he lives! Dusty Roads is owned by a  friend of his and it's amazing.  More on that when I can open my eyes! 

We're back home and find that our beds are encased in mosquito netting and look quite exotic! Showers, alarms set, a tiny bit of blogging, and it's lights out!  Maybe I'll get to some photos soon!  Hope so!


So Blogger wants new photos at the bottom!  So here you go, in whatever order the metaverse decides!

Our Fearless Leader

Our hostess and Sisa's good friend

Elephant skull

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